Our Solutions for Individual Instruction
Benefits from a personalized learning experience
Berlitz offers a variety of individual one-on-one language training options and trainees looking to expand their linguistic skills can choose from different formats. Each is designed to boost their confidence to speak the language and hone individual skills. Your employees will see immediate results with Berlitz Individual Instruction.
You can opt to have a trainer at your company, or have your employee come to a Berlitz center. Learners spend at least 50% of the time speaking the new language, guaranteeing quick improvement of their oral skills. Content is tailor-made to your corporate needs. Berlitz draws upon an extensive collection of content and can include company-specific vocabulary, articles and materials in the course.
Total Immersion
The most intense and efficient course, comprised of 12 lessons per day, 5 days per week. With a total of 60 lesson units per program learners are completely immersed in the language.
Benefits of our Total Immersion® courses
- Individual language and intercultural courses focused on professional goals
- Intensive and effective learning for all levels using the Berlitz Method®
- Courses tailored to your company’s objectives and to your employees job profile
- Out-of-classroom learning for practice in social contexts(business lunches)
Face-to-Face or Online Individual Instruction
The ultimate flexible package for face-to-face or online lessons, suited for employees with busy schedules.
Benefits of our Face-to-Face or Online Individual courses
- Course plans custom-designed according to your needs and requests
- Quick results and increase of your employee’s confidence to speak
- Native speaker trainers for teaching language and cross-cultural skills
- Flexible scheduling, location and course duration to fit your employees’ workload
Telephone Instruction
The telephone courses provide individual and personalized instruction with a native trainer from anywhere in world, 24/7.
Benefits of our Individual Telephone courses
- Classes available at any time of the day or night from anywhere in the world
- Flexible cancellation policy: only 6-hour notice
- Qualified native speaker instructors deliver fast and efficient language training
- Pedagogical materials customized to trainees’ job profile and industry
No matter which option you choose, your employees get individualized content presented at just the right pace. The high degree of speaking time ensures quick improvement and success. Contact Berlitz Sofia to obtain more information or to book an Individual Instruction course.
If you are an expat working in Bulgaria or you are a Training Manager at a company looking for a language course for one of your Managers, you can check our Berlitz courses Bulgarian for foreigners.
Discover why the Berlitz Method® is the most efficient way to learn a language!